Be a Town Hall Volunteer
Town Hall Theatre RUNS ON VOLUNTEERS! Watch the video below to learn about Town Hall’s amazing volunteers and what the opportunity has meant to them.
Volunteer Opportunities and Sign Ups
Come help with concessions before shows and during intermission - say hello, serve snacks and drinks, and be part of our community!
Concessions volunteers arrive about an hour and a half before curtain to set up, then open the bar one hour before the show and again during intermission. All bar volunteers need to be RBS certified per new California law (Assembly Bill 1221). Email volunteer@townhalltheatre.com for info on becoming RBS certified.
We also need volunteer ushers. Ushers arrive about forty-five minutes before curtain and show patrons to their seats and hand out programs. Ushers also will occasionally take patrons up and down the lift. Concessions and usher shifts are now available for main stage performances!
Important Links for Volunteers
Click here for our volunteer handbook.
Click here for information about working at the bar and concessions area.
*All bar Volunteers must be RBS Certified. For info on how to become certified reach out to volunteer@townhalltheatre.com.
Click here for volunteer instructions for ushers.
Click here to view our Emergency Procedures.
Click here for information about data entry and graphic design volunteer positions.
Thank You to Our Volunteers!