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Spring 2025

What’s new in 2025?

New Program Title: Youth Stage
Same production classes, new name! This Spring we feature plays all about finding your family and marching to your own drum. Check out our section Learn Which Program is Right for Your Student to learn more about our Youth Stage programs.

More Program Divisions by Age
Now we can better serve our students to help them grow the skills they have through more age divisions. This means students will have more opportunities for larger roles, individualized instruction time, and program specific learning.

Come for a Day!
Is your student interested in theatre but doesn’t want to start with a full production? Check out our shorter skills classes or one day classes for more ways to play!

  • Multi-Program Discount

    Enroll one student for Fall and Spring Youth Stage programs and receive 10% off both programs!

    Payment Plans and Tuition Assistance

    We offer payment plans and tuition assistance to any interested registering family. No student is turned away for financial reasons. Email Education@TownHallTheatre.com to apply for the Correll Family Tuition Assistance Fund.

  • THE Clubhouse
    Town Hall Education’s Clubhouse programs offer community-centered spaces for students to engage in creative play and theatre arts outside of traditional class and performance settings. Clubs are built run year round, but you can join any time! No pervious experience needed.

    Youth Stage Programs
    Our Youth Stage production programs are perfect for students who want to put their skills to practice on the stage. These programs blend skill building exercises into the rehearsal process of learning and putting on a performance. Students in these programs grow in confidence on stage, memorization, and team building. No previous theatre experience needed, but previous experience recommended for rising grades 6 and up.

    Check back later for our remaining 24/25 Educational programming!

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Pre-K and Kindergarten

Songs of the Sea

Pre-K and Kindergarten students in this program will learn theatre and collaboration basics through skill building activities.

  • Pre-Kinder and Kindergarten students in this skills based program will travel into the depths of the ocean as they learn theatre and vocal basics through games, songs, and stories all about our fishy friends. This class will feature songs and stories such as The Pout-Pout Fish, Spencer and Vincent the Jellyfish Brothers, and Baby Beluga. Join us as students grow skills in vocal production, projection and diction, imaginative play, and teamwork.

  • Wednesdays 3-3:45pm
    February 5th - March 26th, 2025

Single Program Tuition: $175 | Total Class Hours: 6 Hours

Coming Soon: Spring Break Camps

One Day Camps for PreK-5th grade March 31st-April 4th.

Details to come late 2024.

1st Grade

Interested in theatre programs at your student’s school? Check out our Residencies with local partners here!

A Cosmic Cow Caper


By Timothy Stammeyer

1st grade students in this program will learn theatre and performance basics and then build upon their new skills to put on a play!

  • In this delightfully silly ensemble comedy, aliens intercept a signal from Earth about the most prestigious prize on the planet — a county fair blue ribbon. They decide to enter their cow in the fair’s Best Cow contest so they can be the talk of the solar system. After landing on Earth on the Oxen Rutabaga Farm, they are discovered by a young girl named Maisy. In the hysterical confusion of meeting a human, the aliens accidentally switch their cow for Maisy’s cow, Daisy Belle. With the fast-approaching contest, the aliens and humans both plot to switch back the bovines. Complicating matters is a simple-minded detective, Lt. Applebottom, and his team of alien catchers — who are really the police station custodians. Will the cows get switched back in time? Will Lt. Applebottom catch the aliens? And how do grilled cheese sandwiches become a peace offering?

  • Classes: Thursdays 4-6pm, January 30th-April 10th (No class 4/3)

    Technical Rehearsals: April 17th 4-7pm AND and April 18th 4-7pm

    Performances: April 19th at 2pm and 6pm

Single Program Tuition: $633 | Total Class Hours: 30 Hours

Coming Soon: Spring Break Camps

One Day Camps for PreK-5th grade March 31st-April 4th.

Details to come late 2024.

2nd and 3rd Grade

Interested in theatre programs at your student’s school? Check out our Residencies with local partners here!

Stone Dragon Stew

By Brian Cox


2nd and 3rd grade students in this program will build on theatre and performance basics and then use their new skills to put on a play!

  • Villagers of Nearhere are fed up with living under siege of the Stone Dragon, who keeps dropping rocks from the sky! Residents are forced to stay inside, wear a helmet, or suffer the consequences. Smart villager Bookseller offers up a plan: find a brave knight to defeat the Stone Dragon and restore peace to Nearhere. The only problem is nobody in the village knows any knights, so four brave villagers set out to find knights willing to fight the ferocious dragon. After the knights prove to be no help and hope seems lost, a renowned chef shows up and shares the perfect recipe for successfully dealing with the Stone Dragon.

  • Classes: Tuesdays 4-6pm, January 28th-Apri 15th (No Class 4/1)
    Technical Rehearsals: April 21st 4-7pm AND April 23rd 4-7pm
    Performances: April 25th at 6pm, April 26th at 2pm

  • Classes: Wednesdays 4-6pm, January 29th-April 16th (No class 4/2)
    Technical Rehearsals: April 22nd 4-7pm AND April 24th 4-7pm
    Performances: April 26th at 6pm, April 27th at 2pm

Single Program Tuition: $680 | Total Class Hours: 32 Hours

Coming Soon: Spring Break Camps

One Day Camps for PreK-5th grade March 31st-April 4th.

Details to come late 2024.

4th and 5th Grade

Interested in theatre programs at your student’s school? Check out our Residencies with local partners here!

The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza


By Don Zolidis

4th and 5th grade students in this program will grow theatre and performance intermediate skills and then use their new skills to put on a play!

  • Two battling narrators attempt to cover the entirety of Greek mythology using audience participation and general theatrical insanity. Creation myths such as Pandora's Box and Cronos and the Titans jostle for space with other famous myths like Jason and the Argonauts (the original Super Friends). Culminating in a heart-pounding, five-minute version of The Iliad, this fast-paced, free-wheeling play is wild, silly, and a complete blast for all ages.

  • Classes: Mondays 4-6:30pm, January 27th-April 21st (No class 3/31)
    Technical Rehearsals: April 28th 4-7pm AND April 30th 4-7pm
    Performances: May 2nd at 7pm, May 3rd at 2pm

  • Classes: Thursdays 4-6:30pm, January 30th-April 24th (No class 4/3)
    Technical Rehearsals: April 29th 4-7pm AND May 1st 4-7pm
    Performances: May 3rd a 7pm, May 4th at 2pm

Single Program Tuition: $740 | Total Class Hours: 35 Hours

Coming Soon: Spring Break Camps

One Day Camps for PreK-5th grade March 31st-April 4th.

Details to come late 2024.

6th-12th Grade

Interested in theatre programs at your student’s school? Check out our Residencies with local partners here!

The Witch’s Princess

By Don Zolidis


6th-12th grade students in this program will build on intermediate to advanced theatre skills and then use their new skills to put on a play!

  • The queen is dead. The kingdom is cursed. And the only way to lift the curse is to slay the witch. When Princess Alessandra’s father the king offers her hand in marriage to the knight who can slay the evil bog witch and lift the curse, there’s only one thing for the princess to do: Sneak out of the castle and kill the witch herself to avoid marriage. But she’s not dumb and she’s not going alone, because she’s first assembling a crack crew of the deadliest monsters in myth and legend to help. But she discovers the monsters aren’t what they seem, and neither is the witch, or the curse, or the kingdom. A rollicking and wild quest of magic and adventure.

  • Classes: Sundays 10:30am-1pm AND Mondays 4-6:30pm
    Sundays February 23rd-May 4th (No class 3/30)
    AND Mondays February 24th-May 5th (No class 3/31)

    Technical Rehearsals: May 5th-7th from 4-7pm

    Performances: May 9th at 7pm, May 10th at 2pm and 7pm

Single Program Tuition: $1,065 | Total Class Hours: 64 Hours

Advanced Program

King Lear

by William Shakespeare

9th-12th grade students are invited to join this program that will build advanced theatre skills, like character work and shakespearean text analysis, and use these skills to put on a play

  • One of William Shakespeare's towering achievements, King Lear is a work of exceptional mastery, a stark tale that is both intimate and vast. An old and vain king unwisely divides his kingdom between his two fawning older daughters and banishes his third daughter, who truly loves him but speaks more modestly. Thus begins Shakespeare's heart-rending play - a work that questions the passing of power between generations, loyalty to an unyielding kind, and the concept of a harmonious and just universe. The king and his followers, ennobled by suffering, pay dearly for their lapses in judgment. Madness and murder are the consequences of insights and mercy that arrive too late, making King Lear a sweeping tragedy of vanity, evil, and anguish.

  • Classes: Saturdays 10am-12pm AND Sundays 10am-1pm
    Saturdays October 26th-January 18th (No class 11/30, 12/21, 12/28)
    AND Sundays October 27th-January 19th (No class 12/1, 12/22, 12/29)

    Technical Rehearsals: January 25th and 26th 10am-1pm, January 31st 4-7pm

    Performances: February 1st at 2pm and 7pm, February 2nd at 2pm

Single Program Tuition: $705 | Total Class Hours: 50 Hours

Quick Information Links

  • For more information about Town Hall Education and our teaching artists, click here.

  • We offer payment plans and tuition assistance to any interested registering family.

    No student is turned away for financial reasons. Email HERE to apply for the Correll Family Tuition Assistance Fund.

  • Click here for Town Hall’s Parent Student Handbook.